New Haven, Conn., Oct. 20, 1916.--Yale defeated Virginia Polytechnic Institute in the Yale Bowl this afternoon by the score of 19 to 0. Three touchdowns were scored and one goal from touchdown, and never once was the Yale goal threatened. The sultry weather and slippery field handicapped the play greatly.
Yale started off by marching down the field for two touchdowns in the first period. Most of the plays were short line plunges, and Jacques scored both touchdowns by plays through centre. Legore failed to kick the goals.
In the second period, the attack faulted and the play was ragged from then on except for a short time in the third period, when the prettiest play of the game was made. Legore threw a 15 yard pass to Gates, in an open field over the goal line, thus accounting for the third score. Comerford kicked the goal.
The Virginia line charged quickly and often tackled the Yale runner before he got started. The team tackled hard, but could not penetrate the Yale line. They tried many attempts at forward passes but completed few of them. Neville of Yale intercepted one pass and ran 55 yard before he was tackled. Virginia held Yale at one time for downs on the four-yard line.
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