The Republican club will hold a pre election rally in the Living Room of the union on Monday, October 23, at 8 o'clock. It is expected that Major Henry Lee Higginson '55 will preside at the meeting and introduce three prominent Massachusetts Republicans a speakers. United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge '71, and Overseer of the University and member of the Senate for 24-years, who is again seeking election, will address the rally. Robert Luce '82, who was lieutenant-governor of Massachusetts in 1912, and who is the author of the "Luce" laws for primary elections and direct nominations, passed during his long term of service, from 1899 to 1908, in the state legislature, will speak as will Edward a. Thurston '96L, who is one of the nominees for presidential elector at large and who has been chairman of the State Republican Committee for the past three years after having served in a similar capacity on the committee of his native city, Fall river, Mr. Thurston believes in political preparedness and the duty of his party to teach all aliens to be good citizens.
After the speech-making at the rally, the final plans for the Hughes torchlight parade to be held in Boston on November 3 will be announced. All participants in the procession will be given special uniforms for the occasion and the parade will be headed by the Harvard Regiment Band of 40 pieces. This will be the final Republican rally in Massachusetts before the election and it is hoped that a large number of Harvard men will parade."
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