


Edwin Ginn '18 of Winchester has come down with a mild case of infantile paralysis and is at the isolation ward at Stillman Infirmary. He is under the direct care of Dr. Charles Wendell Townsend '81 of Marlborough street, Boston, his family physician, and so far is doing very well. He has been seen in consultation by Dr. Edward Wyllys Taylor '88 and Dr. Roger Irving Lee '02. He has been treated with serum and has received every possible attention. Dr. Lee remains in charge of the situation in the University, and there will probably be no interruption of activities.

His room mate, Hampton Robb '18 of Burlington, N. J., will be quarantined for two weeks and other men who have been personally associated with Ginn will be under close surveillance.

Dr. Lee's Statement.

The following statement has been given by Dr. Roger Irving Lee '02 with the full sanction and approval of President Lowell, and of the Athletic Association:

"E. Ginn, a Junior in the University, was taken to the Stillman Infirmary with vague symptons on Tuesday evening, October 17. The doctors have quarantined the case there and are inclined to regard it as a mild type of infantile paralysis, although no real paralysis has developed. He has been seen by various experts, including the members of the Harvard Auterioe Poliomyelitis Commission, who as a precaution performed a spinal puncture and injected some serum.


"Ginn has been playing football this fall, but had not been a member of the University squad. Fortunately he was isolated from the very beginning of his illness ad there is no reason to suppose that there will be other cases. As a precautionary measure the football squad will be under very careful supervision and will not be permitted to leave the vicinity of the University for the present.

"The authorities of the Massachusetts Agricultural College have been communicated with and they do not regard the situation as sufficiently alarming to warrant calling off the game on Saturday.

"It is not known where the student contracted the disease. He has been frequently away from Cambridge. There are no other cases or suspected cases in the University. In previous ears occasional cases of infantile paralysis have appeared in the University and have not been followed by other cases, and in those years the occurrence of a single case caused no comment."

"The above statement is made giving the compete facts on account of the present great public interest and tension in regard to this disease. It may be repeated again that the disease is primarily a disease of children and is rare in persons over sixteen."
