

Arrangements Made to Care for Big Yale Game Crowed.

The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad have formulated plans on the usual basis for transportation of students to the Yale game.

A special train called the "Harvard Limited" will leave the South Station at 8.15 o'clock Saturday morning, November 25. Round trip tickets will be on sale for $6.96. These tickets, however, are good any time returning from New Haven. Besides this special there will be five others on which the regular fares will prevail. Six or more parlor car expresses will run in addition to the regular Harvard club Special.

Because of the great demand for Friday service the railroad will run two specials that day in addition to its regular service. The first will leave Boston at 2.30 o'clock Friday afternoon and will arrive in time for the glee Club concert that evening in New Haven. A midnight sleeper will also be run, arriving in New Haven at 7.30 o'clock Saturday morning. The special round trip rate of $6.96 will hold good on this train, but berth reservations must be made in advance at the ticket offices of the company. In the return trip this train will leave New Haven at midnight Saturday and will arrive at the South Station early Sunday morning.
