

Charges In Establishment Conducted for M. I. T. Students Moderate.

The current number of the Tech has the following description of the new cafeteria for the accommodation of Tech students which opened Monday noon.

"During the first two hours the room was filled to its capacity and at times a line formed extending into the hall. Over a thousand students obtained their luncheon there on Monday and it is estimated that an even larger number were served yesterday noon, although at no time was the room excessively crowded. An average of about ninety students including those living in the temporary dormitories in Building 1, have been taking all their meals in the dining room.

"Because of the large number of men who must be supplied quickly during the peak of the rush at 1 o'clock, it was found advisable to depend entirely on the cafeteria system for the noon-day meal, and to have student waiters and table d'hote only for accomodating the patrons in the morning and evening. This system makes it possible to serve the students in less time and saves them the annoyance of having waiters dodging in and out among their seats."
