Trials for the University Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs will be held this evening at 7 o'clock, when all candidates for the Glee Club should report at the Music Building and for the Instrumental Clubs at Matthews 6. Membership in the clubs is open to all men enrolled in any department of the University, including Freshmen and graduate students. Men playing any of the following instruments are desired for the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs: banjo, banjeaurine, mandolin, mandola, mandobass, guitar, eukelele, violin, 'cello, clarinet and traps. All candidates should bring a solo to the trials. Candidates for accompanist of the Glee Club and for "funny man" should also report at the Music Building at 7.
Additional trials will be held tomorrow evening at the same time and places.
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University Calendar.