Many who have been disappointed in the numbers enrolled in the new military course have been seaching for an adequate explanation of the undergraduates' disgraceful showing. Last year, when the drill gave no credit towards a college degree and there was no chance of being recommended for a commission in the reserve army, over a thousand men gladly enrolled in the Regiment. This year only 130 men have signed up for a course which offers double the advantages of the practical work completed last spring.
A number of students still fail to understand two points concerning the course. For all men except Freshmen, no previous military training at summer camps or in militia organizations is necessary. Anyone from the classes who is physically fit is entitled to take the military course. The second misunderstanding is whether the taking of this course entails future service in the regular army. After completing this course a man is under no military obligation and cannot be compelled to enter the reserve army unless he so desires.
These facts ought to clear up the two misunderstandings which seem to be prevalent. If any man is still in doubt concerning Military Science and Tactics 1 he should confer with Captain Cordier immediately, before the time for enrolment expires.
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