

Appointed to Help Draft Curriculum for Military Science and Tactics Courses in 16 Universities.

Official authorization for the training in military science of students in 16 of the country's leading universities was given by the War department to the exetuive officers of the institutions, at the conference between them and War Department officials at Washington. The conference was a general informal discussion of the law authorising army training in civil institutions, and of ways and means for putting it into effect.

President Lowell and President Hadley of Yale, with a number of other prominent educators, replied to addresses of welcome by the Army representatives.

A committee composed of President Lowell, Major John W. Kingman, Superintendent Nichols of the Virginia Military Institute, the Reverend Edward Pace of the Catholic University of America. President Drinker of Lehigh, President Thompson of Ohio State University and President Vincent of the University of Minnesota, were appointed to draft a military curriculum. The taking of this curriculum will exempt graduates of such institutions from taking the regular army examination in order to obtain commissions as reserve officers.

The institutions authorized to give military instruction are: Harvard Princeton, Yale, University of Michigan, University of Alabama, Virginia Military Institute, Stevens Institute of Technology, Catholic University of America, Lehigh University, Ohio State University, University of Tennessee, Clemson Agricultural College, University of Minnesota, University of Illinois, City College of New York and University of Vermont.
