Final preparations have been completed for the Yale pageant which starts tomorrow. This affair celebrates the 200th anniversary of the removal of Yale College to New Haven an elaborate program has been arranged, and efforts have been made to accommodate the thousands of people who are expected in New Haven over the week-end. For weeks all hotel accommodations have been reserved, and restaurant keepers stocking up for the event. The New Haven is to run special trains from various points, and there will be parking space at the Bowl for over 6,000 automobiles.
Nearly 8,000 persons will take part in the pageant. It will depict the more important episodes in the history of Yale, both as a college and a university, and also of New Haven. Francis H. Markoe, Yale 1906, is master of the pageant.
The football game between Yale and Virginia Polytechnic will be played on Friday in order that the Bowl may be given over to the pageant on Saturday.
The program of events is as follows:
Yale vs. Virginia Polytechnic Institute in the Bowl at 2; Sheffield Fraternity teas from 4 to 7; "Cupid and Psyche," under the auspices of the Art School, in Woolsey Hall, at 8.20; first pageant-time dance at Hotel Taft at 10.
The Yale Pageant in the Bowl at 2; concert by pageant symphony orchestra and masquerade on the Green, 7 to 10; Second pageant-time dance at Hotel Taft at 10.
Cornell Students Quarantined.
Eleven Cornell University students who were exposed to infantile paralysis Monday, have been segregated and placed in strict quarantine at the University infirmary. A child in the house where these students were boarding became inflicted with the disease, and the college authorities considered it best to take severe precautions. The students will remain in quarantine for two weeks.
Although no subsequent cases have developed in Princeton University since the death of Eric Brunnow, one new case was discovered Tuesday in the town. This has provoked even a stricter quarantine of all students, and no little alarm is felt.
Princeton to Present "Safety First."
The internal activities of Princeton have not been interrupted, however. The Triangle Club has announced the musical comedy which it will present in New York during the Christmas vacation. It is entitled "Safety First," the libretto being written by John Biggs 1917 and the music by F. Warburton Guilbert 1919, who wrote the songs in last season's show. The Triangle Club has been producing musical comedies annually ever since it was founded by Booth Tarkington in the 90's.
Because of the delayed opening of the college the Princeton cross-country team was forced to cancel its first meet, scheduled with the University of Pennsylvania for October 28. This will leave only the Yale meet and the Intercollegiate Meet on the schedule. Princeton expects to have an unusually good team this year, having seven men available from last year's first string men.
D. S. O. for G. W. Glover.
George Wright Glover, one of the members of the Princeton faculty who resigned to join the Allied armies, has received a Distinguished Service Order for gallantry shown in the Somme offensive. With part of a company he was surrounded by a vastly superior force of Germans, but succeeded in leading his men back to safety after receiving two rifle wounds. He had resigned from the Princeton faculty in June, 1915, to join the army, but was several times rejected for his short stature and received his commission as second-lieutenant only in time to join in the recent offensive.
Evidence of the general prosperity of the country and the increased interest in finance is apparently shown in the enrolment of the School of Comerce of New York University, which shows an increase of 50 per cent. over the enrolment of last year. Registration in every class of the school has been closed on account of the congestion caused by the sudden increase in enrolment, and in many classes extra sections have been organized to relieve the crowded condition which prevails.
New York Universities Convene.
The fifty-second university convocation to which the colleges and universities of the state of New York will send delegates, will be held at Columbia University today and tomorrow. The program will consist of five separate sessions. Two of these will be devoted to the discussion of technical educational subjects, and at the other three professors and other educational experts will deliver lectures on the various phases of administering education. Professor Bliss Perry is to be one of the speakers.
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