The number of graduates from the University at work in the Hughes National College League excedes the number from any other college. The Hughes organization gave out yesterday a list of 42 colleges from each of which they have enrolled from 200 to over 3,000 alumni. There are on the list 3,290 men who received their degrees at Cambridge. Cornell comes second with 2,661 men, and Yale is third with 2,659. The fourth and fifth colleges in the number of enrolments are the respective alma maters of President Wilson and Governor Hughes. There are 1,503 enrolments from Princeton and 1,462 from Brown. This is a high percentage of the graduates from both universities.
There are several Western universities among those colleges having over 500 graduates enrolled in the league, which are as follows: The Graduate Schools Society of Phillips Brooks House will meet in the Brooks House parlors at 7.30 o'clock Sunday evening. Dr. Elwood Worcester of Emmanuel Church, Boston, will speak on "The Emmanuel Movement."
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