The Greater Boston Chapter of the American Red Cross is making an effort to increase its membership to 25,000. It is desired to enroll at least a thousand students of the University, in the cause. For this purpose a committee has been appointed to canvass for members, consisting of the following:
Captain Cordler, chairman; Professor W. E. Hocking, Faculty member; E. A. Whitney '17, secretary-treasurer; G. B. Blaine '17, W. H. Meeker '17, J. D. Williams '17, J. R. Busk '18, W. K. McKittrick '19, O. C. Wood '20 and C. W. Lippitt '20.
The membership fee for one year in the American Red Cross is one dollar. Enrolments may be made and membership fee paid at the CRIMSON Building on Plympton street any time during the present week. After Saturday, however, no further application for membership to the University branch may be made. Applications must thereafter be made through the Boston office, located at 42 Water street.
The American Red Cross is supported entirely by voluntary contributions. It is authorized by the government to give aid to our land and naval forces in time of war. Its activities, however, are not confined to tending to those wounded in battle. During peace its members are always ready to assist in alleviating any suffering resulting from sudden catastrophies. They have rendered prompt and practical relief when fire, flood or pestilence sweeps a community. It also is interested in preventive measures of disease and educational improvements. In the last ten years, the American Red Cross has rendered valuable assistance in more than 80 disasters. Backed by many generous men and women, it has received and spent more than $10,000,000, and donated relief supplies valued at $5,000,000.
President Wilson is the leader of the American Red Cross. The organization is incorporated by an act of Congress and its activities are under the scrutiny of the War Department. Membership does not require any active service. Members will receive the society's annual and various pamphlets will, from time to time, keep them in touch with the work that is being accomplished.
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