The Senior Class will hold the first smoker of the year in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 8.30 o'clock. C. A. Coolidge, Jr., '17 will preside, and H. H. Dadmun '17, captain of the University football team, the first speaker, will talk on football. Captain Cordier will discuss "Present Military Legislation as Applied to the College Man," and Dean Yeomans will give the closing speech.
New Treasury Report Made.
R. Baldwin '17 has submitted a second report of the Senior Class treasury which corrects certain slight mistakes in that published recently. The new statement shows the Seniors to be exactly $3.26 richer than was at first announced. The following is the itemized statement:
Receipts Balance of October 1,1915 $770.25 Class collections 384.50 From dinner committee 158.70 Interest on deposits 13.25 Total receipts $1,326.70 Expenditures. Class smokers $317.60 Junior dinner 306.40 Junior dance 16.76 Student council dues 10.00 Printing 15.00 Bill of 1914 30.00 Sec.-Treas. expenses 1.50 Total expenditure $697.26 Balance October 1, 1916 $629.44
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