The following members of the Junior Class have been nominated by petition for class officers:
For president, William Farr Robinson of Philadelphia, Pa.; Moseley Taylor of Boston, John Merryman Franklin of New York, N. Y.
For vice-president, Walker Blaine Beale of Augusta, Me.; Charles Learner Harrison, Jr., of Cincinnati, O.
For secretary-treasurer, David Mason Little, Jr., of Salem.
Nominations for class officers must be made in the following manner:
All nominations for class officers shall be made by petition, each petition to be signed by 35 members of the class. Such petitions shall be delivered to the secretary-treasurer of the class not later than Tuesday, October 17. On Thursday, October 19, a complete list of nominations will be published in the CRIMSON. The secretary-treasurer of each class shall cause to be published the name of each nominee within 24 hours after receiving the petition nominating him. In the Sophomore and Junior years, the class officers shall make nominations for officers, provided no petitions for those officers are received. These nominations shall be made out not later than Saturday, October 21.
The officers of the Junior and Sophomore Classes will be elected by the members of their respective classes on Tuesday, October 24. The election of the Senior Class officers with the exception of the Secretary and Class Committees will not be held until December 13.
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