

Organization Does Not Depart for North for Another Week.

It was learned from a telegram yesterday that the Second Battalion of the First Antillery Regiment is still at the border engaged in target practice and will not entrain for the North for at least a week. The First Battalion is the only body of troops to have left, and is expected to arrive in Boston about next Wednesday. It will pass through Fort Worth, Texarkana, Little Rock, and St. Louis; from there to Buffalo, and then home by way of Albany and New York. After reaching Boston, the troops will be forced to spend several days at the armory before they are mustered out of active service. Only 35 horses per batter are to be brought home the rest being left for the Michigan Regiment, which is to replace the Massachusetts troops. On the journey home a two hour halt is held every hour hours, to allow the horses to be taken from their cramped quarters for a brief exercise. It is also expected that the Fifth and Eighth Regiments will break camp and leave for home soon.
