

Professor Balch of Wellesley and President Lowell will Speak at Meeting.

The International Polity Club has taken up the work of organization for the year. The Club is dedicated to the promotion of the thoughtful study and discussion of modern international problems with a view to the definition of an American policy which shall be a contribution to the peace and better government of the world. It believes that international peace may be secured only by a process of continual readjustment, and by the growth of democratic control of governments and foreign policies. It is composed of men of widely varying beliefs and welcomes the fullest expression of opinion. It invites all members of the University who are, or desire to be, informed upon the great questions involved in the cause of world-organization to join its ranks.

The Club possesses a library of the latest contributions to the subject, is a member of the National Federation of International Polity Clubs which publish a paper written largely by members of the various clubs, and divides its work among a number of departments.

The first open meeting of the year will be held at the Union Friday evening, October 20 at 7.30 o'clock, when Professor Emily Balch of Wellesley College and American delegate to the Neutral Peace Congress at Stockholm, will speak on the program of that congress, which has received wide attention throughout Europe. President Lowell will speak on the League to Enforce Peace at that meeting. Dr. David Starr Jordan and Professor Manley O. Hudson, national president of the Federation, will be guests of the Club in November.

The following officers have been elected: president, Brent Dow Allison '17 of Chicago, III; vice-president, Cecil Hurthal Smith IL of Cambridge; secretary, Hallowell Davis '18 of Brookline; treasurer, Arthur Graham Aldis '17 of Lake Forest, III. The executive committee consists of the above and David Morris Brunswick '18 of New York, N. Y.; Pedro Campos 1L of Montgomery City, Missouri. The last named is chairman of the Program Committee, Graham Aldis of the Editorial committee and Hallowell Davis of the Publicity and Arrangements Committee.
