

North Carolina, Wisconsin and Army Directed by Former University Stars.

Many other colleges are now indirectly sharing with the University the benefits of the "Haughton System." Haughton tutored players are in great demand as coaches, and several are now engaged in instructing college teams. P. Withington '09, E. W. Soucy '16 and J. A. Doherty '16 are at Wisconsin. Withington is acting in the capacity of head coach, and Soucy and Doherty are assisting with the ends and backs. C. E. Brickley '15 is in charge at Boston College and E. W. Mahan '16 at the University of California. A. J. Weatherhead '16 is coaching the Bowdoin eleven. T. J. Campbell '12 is at North Carolina, and the results of his coaching will be seen in the Stadium tomorrow, when his team encounters the University eleven. J. A. Gilman ex-'17 is an assistant coach at Annapolis, and C. D. Daley '01 has for several years been in charge of West Point football elevens. Still another former University player is F. B. Withington '15, who is an assistant coach at Columbia.

8,000 Seats Added to Yale Bowl.

In order to insure sufficient seating capacity for the enormous crowd expected at the game with the University on November 25, the Yale football management has decided to add 8,000 seats to the Bowl. These will be erected on the rim of the Bowl and will make a total provision for more than 70,000 spectators.

The Yale freshman football team in a recent football game with the third Yale University team succeeded in winning by the score of 10-0. The freshmen played well and appear to be a fast combination, though team-work is as yet somewhat lacking.
