

Preliminary Tournament for Choosing of Ten Men Held Next Week.

A preliminary chess tournament will be held next week to select ten men to compose the University team. Of special importance is the fact that Freshmen and members of the graduate schools, with certain restrictions for the intercollegiate games, are eligible for this team.

Matches are being arranged with teams from Virginia, Brown and Cornell, and the contests will take place on the evenings preceding the football games with these same institutions.

League games will be played with Princeton and Yale. The members of the team who go to New Haven and to the intercollegiate tournament in New York during the Christmas vacation will receive a portion of their expenses.

In the spring a University tournament for the individual championship will be played, the winner to receive a cup. In the event that enough interest is shown by the Class of 1920, a Freshman team will also be organized. Matches for the Freshman interdormitory cup, which was won by Smith Halls last year, will be held during the early spring.
