
An Opportunity for Someone.


No one applies for the Murphy Scholarships at Harvard--the proceeds of the interesting fund bequeathed by the late William S. Murphy of this city, which are sufficient to keep at Harvard constantly three young men of the name of Murphy. The money therefore accumulates; but it will not be lost, for sooner or later the Murphys will come forward. Their present apparent reluctance is probably due in about equal proportions to diffidence and to the limited amount of publicity which Mr. William S. Murphy's generous bequest has received. The offer was a useful as well as a picturesque one, and was altogether to be commended, and it is fair to predict that in time it will add many men, though only one name, to America's roll of fame. The temptation of a free education at Harvard should be enough to induce youths of other patronymics to change their names to Murphy in order to avail themselves of the opportunity. Boston Transcript.
