Not the least necessity exists for Plattsburg graduates to forfeit 10 per cent. of the money the government now owes them. A shower of circulars from claim agents in Washington gives the contrary impression. The facts are these: Congress has appropriated sufficient money to reimburse every man who attended Plattsburg this summer for all his expenses at camp, and for his transportation there and back. The Military Training Camps Association is now engaged in obtaining this money from the War Department, and will see that each man receives his due without paying a cent in commission. The claim agents in Washington are sending out blank powers of attorney, authorizing them to collect Plattsburg money from the government. Their charge for this totally unnecessary service is 10 per cent. of the sum involved. New England was well and patriotically represented at Plattsburg for its summer. There is no necessity for its being represented financially at claim offices in Washington. Boston Herald
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