

Entertainment for Benefit of Harvard Surgical Unit Will Take Place in Arena at 8.15.

The ice carnival for the benefit of the Harvard Surgical Unit, now in service in France, will be given at the Arena this evening at 8.15 o'clock. About thirty members of the University have already volunteered for the Burlesque at the end of the evening. Others who may wish to offer their services should get information from W. W. Weld '16, Hollis 25, or from W. F. Enright '16, Claverly 6. All those who are to take part must report at the Arena at 7.45. The program for the evening will be as follows:

Fancy Skating on Program.

An introduction by the Nuss Military Band will be followed by a Grand March, which includes a sleigh march featuring Miss Pauline Mason in her "Snow Dance," supported by members of the Pilgrim Publicity Association and ladies in National Costume. The next event will be a waltz in couples given by Miss Cunningham and Mr. Jaycock, and Fraulein and Herr Mueller. The other striking features are exhibitions of skating apparel worn by live models; continental skating presented by Mr. Jaycock; a Hungarian dance given in costume by Miss Winifred Kilrane and Mr. Shute; ensemble of all costumes shown in previous numbers; exhibition of fancy skating by Fraulein and Herr Mueller; Burlesque by members of the University, and a grand final march of all the participants in the Fashion Ice Carnival.

The committee in charge of the entertainment is composed of A. L. De Noyer, W. F. Enright '16, Dr. R. B. Greenough '92, T. S. Longridge, Fraulein and Herr Mueller, and Dr. J. J. Thomes '90.

Tickets are on sale at the Co-operative, Herrick's, Filene's Wright & Ditson's, the B. A. A., and the Harvard Club. The prices range from 50 cents to $2.
