
Proposal to Erect National Stadium Now Before Congress

A National Stadium, to accommodate future Olympic games and other athletic contests, will be built at Washington, provided a bill which is now before Congress receives favorable action. The bill carries with it a large appropriation, so that a stadium can be erected on government property which will be adequate for all athletic purposes.

In the event that the bill is passed, the Army and Navy game will probably be played in Washington, and when this country is again awarded the Olympic games the proposed stadium would be the most logical place to hold the event, according to those interested in having the bill passed. Colonel Harts, Superintendent of Parks and Buildings in Washington, was instrumental in having the bill presented Congress and with many other prominent men believes in the merit of the proposal. The bill is still in committee, but, it is believed, will be reported out with a favorable recommendation and passed by the House. In the meantime there will be a campaign of wide proportions waged to ensure its success. The amateur Athletic Union through its members in every part of the country will be asked to present the matter to their respective Congressmen.
