Application blanks for the Junior Dance to be held in the Union on Friday evening, February 19, at 9 o'clock, have been sent to all members of the class of 1917. Any who fail to receive them should see the Dance Committee at Phillips Brooks House any afternoon from 5 to 6 o'clock.
These blanks should be filled out and sent, together with calling cards, to H. B. Courteen 17, Harvard Union, before January 19.
Juniors are reminded that only Union members may apply. The subscription required will be $3.00 for each member attending the Dance and an additional fee of $2.00 will be charged for each lady. No name will be considered unless accompanied by a check for the specified amount. All invitations and tickets for ladies will be sent out by the committee.
In arranging boxes, for which there will be no extra charge, groups, composed of from six to ten couples, should elect a chairman and apply for space before February 1, at which time the boxes will be awarded by lot. In order to prevent unnecessary expense for members of the class, the committee requests that no flowers be sent. Make checks payable to the 1917 Union Dance Committee.
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Concert to Swell Polish Relief