

Informal Debate on Merits of G. O. P. Presidential Possibilities in Union Tomorrow.

An opportunity to discuss the candidates for the Republican presidential nomination will be given at the second University Forum of the year which will be held in the Living Room of the Union tomorrow evening at 8.15 o'clock. The Forum will not be in the nature of a formal debate, but will be an open discussion of the possibilities of the various candidates, with a view toward determining the most logical choice. Anyone is privileged to bring into the discussion every candidate who appeals to them as well-qualified to represent the Republican party as chief executive. Among those who will probably figure most prominently in the discussion will be Professor William H. Taft, Senator J. W. Weeks, Senator Elihu Root, Senator Theodore E. Burton, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, former Vice-President Charles W. Fairbanks, and Justice Charles E. Hughes. The meeting is open to all members of the Union, the Speaker's Club, and the University Debating Council.

Speakers will be limited to five minutes, at the end of which time the chairman will take a vote as to whether he may continue or not. A vote will also be taken to determine the result of the discussion. Those who are forced to leave early may give their votes to the tellers, who will be stationed at the door.
