

Worcester Academy Won/Though 1919 Team Took Four Firsts.--R. E. Jackson '19 Elected Captain.

Although the Freshman swimmers took four first places from Worcester Academy, they were defeated by the score of 39 to 23 in the meet at Worcester Saturday. Captain R. E. Jackson '19 won two firsts and incidentally broke the tank record in the 100-yard swim. Shaw, of Worcester, also established a new record in the 25-yard swim.

Jackson Elected Captain.

At a meeting held after the match, Robert Edward Jackson, of Wakefield, was elected captain of the 1919 team. John Henderson Quirin, of Manchester, N. H., was appointed manager, and Leo Aaron Cohen, of Gardiner, was appointed assistant manager, subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee.

The summary of the meet follows:

25-yard swim.--Won by Shaw (W.); second, Kaichen (W.); third, W. C. Hubbard '19. Time, 11 3-5 seconds.


50-yard swim.--Won by R. E. Jackson '19; second, Heywood (W.); third, Kaichen (W.). Time, 27 3-5 seconds.

100-yard swim.--Won by R. E. Jackson '19; second, Heywood (W.); third, F. S. Swayze '19. Time, 1:05 3-5.

200-yard swim.--Won by M. H. Leonard '19; second, Marsh (W.); third, Greene (W.). Time, 2:46 4-5.

Plunge.--Won by K. Merrick '19, distance 57 feet; second, Briggs (W.), distance 56 feet; third, Shuttleworth (W.), distance 51 feet.

Dive.--Won by Greene (W.); second, Shaw (W.); third, H. C. Smith '19:

200-yard relay.--Won by Worcester (Kaichen, Heywood, Kilby, Shaw); Harvard (Hubbard, Leonard, Swayze, Jackson). Time, 1:53 1-5.
