
Crimson Calendar

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Friday before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Tuesday, January 4.

4.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University 5.

Wednesday, January 5.

4.45.--Chemical Colloquium. "The Problem of Volume in Physiology," by Professor L. J. Henderson. Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.


8.00.--Benefit for Surgical Unit at the Arena.

Thursday, January 6.

4.45.--Musical service, with address by the Reverend Professor Edward Caldwell Moore. Appleton Chapel.

8.00.--Lecture. "Artistic Lithography," (illustrated), by Mr. Joseph Fennell. Lecture Room, Fogg Art Museum.

8.15.--Fo: um on Presidential candidates in the Union.

Friday, January 7.

3.30.--Romance Seminary. Meeting in Widener Y.

4.00-6.00.--University Tea, Phillips Brooks House.

4.55.--Zoological Club. "A Theory of Nerye Conduction," by Dr. A. G. Mayer. Zoological Laboratory, Room 46.

5.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Medicine. Medical School, Boston.

7.30.--Physical Conference. "The Calculus of Variations," IV, by Professor W. E. Byerly. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 3.

8.00.--Philosophical Club" Current Fallacies Concerning the State," by Dr. Norbert Wiener, Ph.D. '12. Conant Common Room.

Saturday, January 8.

7.30.--Gymnastic exhibition at the Cambridge Y. M. C. A., Central square.
