
Business and Professional Men in Military Training

In nearly every large city in the country hundreds of business and professional men, among them some of the best-known bankers, lawyers, brokers, merchants, physicians, and men in other walks of life in their respective communities are undergoing a systematic course of military training, with regular army and militia officers as their instructors. The total number of men so engaged in various parts of the country is estimated at about 15,000, of which number about 2000 are residents of New York City.

Major-General Leonard Wood, M.D. '84, has just returned from a western trip, in the course of which he met the officers who are directing the training work in Chicago, Cleveland, and Buffalo. The men who are taking the training receive instruction in state armories and other places where there is a drill room. Practically all of the instruction is given at night, generally in two periods of an hour or two each week.
