


The annual Coast Artillery games at the South Armory on Irvington street tonight at 7.30 o'clock will open the winter season for the University track team.

The University short relay team will be tested for the first time in its race with Technology in which each man will run two laps (320 yards). Captain W. J. Bingham '16, T. R. Pennypacker '16, E. A. Teschner '17, and W. Willcox, Jr. '17 will make up the team. Although the University team is in good shape, the race should be a close one, for last year Technology was defeated only by the remarkable sprint of Bingham past Geuthing on the home stretch.

The Freshman team, which will meet the Technology freshmen, will be composed of J. W. Cummings, H. C. Flower, H. W. Rose, and C. S. Swan.

The special 600-yard run for the Pfaff Trophy should be one of the features of the meet. Caldwell and Halpin of the B. A. A. are leading contenders along with Higgins of Holy Cross. The University's entries in this race are Captain Bingham '16, A. Biddle '16, and H. W. Minot '17. Last year Minot won the 600 in the B. A. A. meet from the 10- yard mark.

Tickets for the B. A. A. meet next Saturday at $2 apiece are now on sale at the H. A. A. office.


Complete Entries for Tonight.

The entries in the different events are as follows:

75-yard dash.--C. W. Cook '19, F. P. Coolidge '16, J. W. Cummings '19, H. C. Flower '19, A. O. Phinney '17, W. Rollins '16, E. A. Teschner '17.

University Relay (vs. Technology).-- W. J. Bingham '16, T. R. Pennypacker '16, E. A. Teschner '17, W. Willcox, Jr. '17.

Freshman Relay, (vs. Technology).-- J. W. Cummings, H. C. Flower, H. W. Rose, C. S. Swan.

440-yard dash.--W. F. Almy '19, R. Anthony '19, C. C. Bassett '19, C. Cook '19, F. P. Coolidge '16, F. C. Fishback, C. H. Fiske '19, H. C. Flower '19, N. L. Harris '19, J. Knowles '18, C. R. Larrabee '19, H. W. Minot '17, T. R. Pennypacker '16, H. P. Perry '19, A. O. Phinney '17, F. W. Rice '19, H. W. Rose '19, M. A. Shattuck '19, C. S. Swan 19, E. A. Teschner '17, R. U. Whitney '18

880-yard run.--H. R. Bechtel '17, A. Biddle '16, R. D. Campbell '17, J. Coggeshall '18, R. Cogswell '18, F. T. Donahue 18, W. W. Kent '16, J. C. Merriam '16, T. R. Morse '18, J. H. Spitz '17.

600-yard race for Pfaff Trophy.--A. Biddle '16, W. J. Bingham '16, H. W. Minot '17.

High Jump.--J. O. Johnstone '16.

Mile Run.--R. S. Cook '17, O. N. Hollis 18, G. A. King '18, J. C. Merriam '16, G. P. Reynolds '18, J. H. Townsend '17.
