

Brookline High Administered 35 to Defeat in Fast Meet Yesterday.

The Freshman swimming team was defeated yesterday by Brookline High in a fast meet at the High School tank 35 to 19. Brookline also won the relay race. Captain Jackson starred for the Freshmen, winning a first and three seconds in the six individual events, while Prendergast and Handy did the most consistent work for Brookline.

The 1919 swimmers will meet the Mechanic Arts High School team in the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. tank tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, and will go to Worcester on Saturday to meet the fast Academy team.

The summary of the meet follows:

Relay, 210 yards.--Won by Brookline (Prendergast, McKinnon, Darling, Handy); Harvard (Hubbard, Leonard, Swayze, Jackson). Time, 2:01.

25-yard race.--Won by R. E. Jackson '19; Prendergast (B.), second; W. C. Hubbard '19, third. Time, 12 seconds.


50-yard race.--Handy (B.), first; R. E. Jackson '19, second; Darling (B.), third. Time, 26 seconds.

100-yard race.--Prendergast (B.), first; R. E. Jackson '19, second; Woods (B.), third. Time, 1:05.

220-yard race.--Handy (B.), first; R. E. Richardson (B.), second; M. H. Leonard, '19, third. Time, 2:16.

Dive.--P. Richardson (B.), first; R. E. Jackson '19, second; Woods (B.), third.

Plunge.--Bird (B.), first, distance, 73 feet; K. Merrick '19, second, distance 62 ft; Handy (B.), third, distance, 56 ft.

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