


On the afternoon of the Junior Dance, Friday, February 18, the Hasty Pudding Club will give a tea-dance in the Club House for all members of the Junior Class and Hasty Pudding Club members. It is planned to have as many as possible of those who are to attend the dance that night present at the tea in the afternoon so that the dancers may be introduced to their partners before the evening assembly. One of the problems of the dance in the past has been to provide a method whereby the guests might meet one another before late in the evening and the Pudding tea-dance, held for the first time last year, was found to be a great aid in solving this problem.

Tickets for the tea-dance will be sold for one dollar a person. They may be obtained from any member of the committee or at the door of the Hasty Pudding Club House on the afternoon of February '18.

Applications Due on Wednesday.

Due to the small number of Juniors who have applied for invitations to the 1917 dance, it has been necessary to grant another extension of time. The showing so far has been extremely poor, only 120 men having applied for invitations. This is 20 less than the number of applications at this time last year. All applications must be sent to H. B. Courteen '17, Harvard Union, on or before Wednesday at 6 o'clock.

Rules for Box Applications.


Junior Dance box applications, containing the names of no less than six and no more than ten couples, must be mailed to N. E. Burbidge, Dana 48, not later than Monday, February 1. Each application should contain the name and address of the chairman of the box. Couples included in applications of less than six will be assigned to boxes at the discretion of the, Dance Committee. Boxes will be drawn by lot February 2, so it essential that all applications be in on time. 1917 DANCE COMMITTEE.
