
Brown Wrestlers Defeated, 20 to 6

The University wrestling team defeated Brown in the Lyman Gymnasium in Providence on Saturday night by a score of 20 to 6, two falls and three decisions going to the University mat-men, while Brown secured only two decisions.

Captain A. J. Weatherhead '16 was unable to wrestle because of an injured shoulder.

The summary:

145-pound class.--Taber (B.) won from H. B. Hull '16, by decision.

115-pound class.--F. R. Dewart (B) won from Ames (B.) by fall, 4m. 34s.


125-pound class.--E. Davison '17 won from Capelli (B.) on decision.

135-pound class.--R. B. Miller '18 won from Curry (B.) on decision.

158-pound class.--A. A. Cock '18 won from Colley (B.) on decision.

175-pound class.--R. Ward (B.) won from H. B. Hull '16 on decision.

Heavy-weight class.--W. B. Snow (B) won from Maxwell, (B.) in 38s.

Score--Harvard, 20: 2 falls, decisions; Brown, 6: 2 decisions.
