
First Round of Scrub Hockey Over

The first round in the scrub hockey series was completed yesterday, when the Theodore Fords defaulted to the Make-Ups, and the Dark Horses defaulted to the Hard Guys. The Hard Guys then played the Make-Ups, and by beating them 5 to 0 in a one-sided game moved into the semi-finals. Murray Taylor '18, playing rover for the Hard Guys, was the individual star, shooting three of the goals, but he was well assisted by the rest of the team. W. Richmond '18, the Make-Ups' goal-guard, made a number of good stops, but was not given much protection by the backs. The Make-Ups were on the defensive most of the time, F. Whitmarsh '16, the Hard Guys' goal, being credited with only one stop.

The Hard-Boiled Eggs will play the Oscar II's this afternoon at 3 o'clock, but the Chuck-a-Pucks vs. Composites game has been postponed until tomorrow at 2 o'clock.
