Oral examinations commence.
3.00.--1919 hockey team vs. Milton, at Milton.
4.00.--Conference on Municipal Government. "The Politics of the New Neighborhood," by Mr. John M. Gans, in Widener N.
4.30.--Lecture. "Giotto and His Followers." H. "The Frescoes in the Arena Chapel at Padua," by Dr. Osvald Liren in the Lecture Room, Fogg Museum.
6.00.--1917 Senior Dormitory applications close.
6.00.--1916 Book-plate designs due.
7.45.--Pierian Sodaliey concert in Watertown.
8.00.--Princeton hockey team vs. Yale. at St. Nicholas rink. New York.
9.00.--1917 dance applications due.
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