
Regimental Orders

General Orders No. 2.

1. The strength of the Regiment is as follows: Headquarters Detachment,  5 Company A,  132 Company B,  138 Company C,  132 Company D,  133 Company E,  131 Company F,  129 Company G,  139 Company H,  138 Unassigned,  25 Total strength,  1102 2. The numerical vacancies in the different companies are as follows: Company A,  18 Company B,  12 Company C,  18 Company D,  17 Company E,  19 Company F,  21 Company G,  11 Company H,  12 Total vacancies,  128

As soon as these vacancies are filled, no more men will be enrolled in the regular organizations, as it is the intention to limit the number in each Company to that prescribed for war strength companies in the Army, i.e., 150 men. Those desiring to join should do so without delay, signifying on the enrollment card their preference of assignment, as first, second, third, fourth, or fifth choice; this with respect to the nights and afternoon prescribed for the assembly and instruction of the different companies.

Where scholastic work interferes, transfers will be made from time to time. Applications for necessary transfers from one Company to another should be addressed as follows:--

From: Private John Doe,


To: Commanding Officer, Harvard Regiment.

Subject: Transfer.

Applications for transfer should show the reason for such transfer.

Any member of the Regiment, not a temporary non-commissioned officer, who so desires, may attend the non-commissioned officers' school on Fridays. All of this class who may have had previous military training and are aspirants for Company officers and non-commissioned officers, should avail themselves of this opportunity.

3. A roll will be called at each formation and at the non-commissioned officers' school, and absentees will be required to explain in writing the cause for their absence.

Acting 1st Sergeants will keep an accurate list of the men in their respective Companies, alphabetically arranged, and showing the squad to which each man belongs.

The Acting 1st Sergeant of each Company will submit a report to Regimental Headquarters not later than noon of the following day, giving the names of all absentees and the cause for their absence. This report will be made out in the following form:--

From: Acting 1st Sergt. -- Company--

To: Commanding Officer, Harvard Regiment.

Subject: List of Absentees.

If there are no absentees this report will so indicate. In either case a report must be submitted. C. CORDIER,   Commanding.

Transfers and Promotions.

The following transfers, assignments and promotions are hereby made:--

1. Corporal J. L. Stewart, from Company B to Company D.

2. Corporal F. M. Weld, from Company D to Company B.

3. Corporal E. C. MacVeagh, from Company G to Company E.

4. Corporal G. H. Lyman, from Company A to Company C.

5. Corporal W. D. Kelley, from Company G to Company E.

6. Corporal V. M. Hetherstone, from Company D to Company H.

7. Private W. Blanchard, from Company A to Company E.

8. Private C. H. Hodges, from Company A to Company F.

9. Private S. E. Nash, from Company D to Company C.

10. Private J. D. Francis, from Company E to Company A.

11. Private R. Batchelder, from Company C to Company A.

12. Private T. R. Allen, assigned to Company A.

13. Private W. I. Tibbetts, assigned to Company C.

14. Private A. Alvord, assigned to Company A.

15. Private Henry Munroe, assigned to Headquarters.

16. Private M. H. Davis to be made Corporal, assigned to Company H.

17. Private Hamilton Coolidge to be made Corporal, assigned to Company C.

18. Private A. S. Levin, from Company F to Company C.  C. CORDIER,  Commanding
