

Are Making Tour of Eastern Colleges.--Inspect University Saturday.

The delegates who attended the Pan-American Scientific Congress, held in Washington during the Christmas recess, are making a trip of inspection through several universities, including Pennsylvania, Princeton, Columbia, Yale, and Harvard. The party visited Pennsylvania on Tuesday and spent yesterday at Princeton. Today they travel on to New York to Columbia, stop off at New Haven Tomorrow, and reach Boston late in the evening. Saturday morning they will inspect, various parts of the University, with especial attention to the Medical School. At 1 o'clock the men of the party will lunch at the Union as guests of the University. Members of the faculty are invited to be present. The ladies will be entertained by Mrs. Lowell at her home, 17 Quincy street.

The delegates, about 250 in number, representing 21 different countries, have assembled to confer together and exchange opinions on matters of international scientific import.
