(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
Owing to a new regulation of the French Army to increase the personnel of the Sanitary Transport Section, there is at present an urgent need for ambulance drivers in France.
This communications was forwarded by Mr. Herman H. Hayes of Morgan, Hayes & Co. of Paris, who has had a Section at the front for some time, working under the American Red Cross. It is planned now to incorporate this Section and Mr. Richard Norton's Anglo-American Section into one section, changing the latter from British to American Red Cross. Men are therefore needed in both sections. The work of the sections is entirely first-line work, being the first ambulances to handle the men. Drivers going over are sent directly to these sections, there being no delay in Paris or no uncertainty as to where they are to be sent. Men going over together may stay together. The expense is the smallest of any unit, uniforms and all expenses over there being paid by Mr. Hayes. For men wishing to go but financially unable, arrangements, might be made.
As the need is very urgent, anyone who considers going should notify one of us and we can give him any information, with maps of district, etc. Those who are considering going may inquire from W. P. T. PRESTON '17, Claverly 7. F. S. ALLEN '16, Beck 37. CHARLES HIGGINSON '17, 22 Plympton St.
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