The results of the first day's registration in all branches of the University, show an increase of 206 over last year's enrollment, the figures this year being 4259. The Freshman class has 661 members as compared with the 684 of 1918 last year. There are 2446 undergraduates enrolled whereas last year there were 2417. In the Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences, there are 433, an increase of 38. The Graduate School, of Business Administration shows an increase of 25 and the Divinity School has more than doubled its membership. The Law School has enrolled 668 as compared with 611 last year. The Medical School shows an increase of 16 and the Dental School of 28. This registration does not include students enrolled in courses previously given under the Graduate Schools of Applied Science, and now given in cooperation with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
It must be remembered that registration varies considerably during the first few days after the opening of the College, and these figures must not in any sense be considered final. Final figures will be available in about a week.
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