

Places and Hours of Consultations for Remainder of Week.

Following is a directory and list of consultation hours of instructors in the College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the Graduate School of Applied Science for the remainder of the week.

Chairmen or representatives of divisions or departments are denoted by an asterisk (*), with the name of the department following. Where the place is bracketed [ ] the instructor will be represented, at the time and place specified by some other person. Addresses followed by an asterisk (*), are in Boston; all others are in Cambridge. The Lower Reading Room is on the ground floor of the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library and is entered by the door on the west side, opposite Weld Hall. Rooms in Widener indicated by letters are on the upper story--numbered rooms are studies, and may be reached by the stairs near the Massachusetts avenue entrance.

Professor C. A. Adams, W. F. 9-10; Th. 11-12, Pierce 201.

Dr. Roger Adams, daily 10.30-12.30, Boylston 3c.

Professor Louis Allard.


Professor B. M. Anderson, Jr., M. W. 3.30-4, Upper Dane; and by appointment.

Professor W. R. Arnold, Andover C after lectures.

Professor W. W. Atwood, M. W. F. S. 9-10, 11-12, Geol. Mus. 41.

Professor I. W. Bailey.

Dr. M. H. Bailey, Medical Adviser, daily, 8.30-9.30; 5-6, Thayer 21.

Professor G. P. Baker, by appointment at 195 Brattle street.

Dr. Thomas Barbour, by appointment, telephone 1908 Camb.

*Professor G. P. Baxter, Chemistry, Tu. Th. S. 11-12, Coolidge Lab.

Dr. Ernest Bernbaum, Tu. Th. 2-2.30, Sever 21.

Professor H. C. Bierwirth, after lectures.

Professor G. D. Birkhoff, after lectures.

*Professor Maxime Bocher, Mathematics, after lectures.

Professor C. L. Bouton, after lectures.

Dr. J. R. Brackett, daily 2.30-4, 18 Somerset street.*

Mr. E. D. Brandegee, Regent, M. Tu. W. Th. F. 10-12, Weld 31.

Professor P. W. Bridgman, after lectures.

Professor L. B. R. Briggs, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, daily 10-11, University 10.

Professor C. T. Brues, daily 11-12, Bussey Inst.

*Professor C. J. Bullock, Economics, M. W. F., 12-1, Upper Dane.

Dr. H. H. Burbank, M. W. F., 11-12, Upper Dane.

Professor W. B. Cannon, daily, 7-7.30 P. M., 2 Divinity avenue.

Mr. F. R. Carrington, M. W. F., 10, Fogg; Tu. Th. S., 9.30-4.30, Museum of Fine Arts.*

Dr. C. C. Carstens, Tu. 3.30, Emerson H.

Professor T. N. Carver, daily 12-1, Upper Dane.

*Professor W. E. Castle, Applied Biology, M. W. F. 10, Zool. Lect. Rm.

Mr. W. R. Castle, Jr., daily except Sat., Grays 3.

Mr. F. S. Cawley, M. W. F. 12-1, Holyoke 6.

Dr. E. L. Chaffee, Jeff. Phys. or Cruft Lab.

Professor Edward Channing, M. W. Th. F. 1, Widener 417.

Professor G. H. Chase, The Fine Arts, M. W. F. 12, Fogg; Tu. Th. S. 12, Sever 25.

Professor W. M. Cols, M. W. F. 1, Lawrence 12; Tu. 9-11.15, Widener 471.

Professor A. C. Coolidge, daily 10-1, Widener.

Professor J. L. Coolidge, after lectures.

Professor C. T. Copeland, Tu. Th. 2.30 or 3.30, Emerson A.

Dr. M. T. Copeland, daily 10-10.30, Lawrence 2.

Mr. G. W. Cram, Recorder, daily, 9-1, University 4.

Professor R. A. Daly, Geology and Geography, M. W. F. 1, Geol. Lect. Rm.

Professor H. N. Davis, by appointment telephone 2323-M Camb.

Dr. J. S. Davis, Th. 8.30-9.30, Conant 45.

Dr. A. T. Davison, M. W. F. 10; Tu, Th. 12, Music Building.

Professor E. E. Day, M. W. 8.45-9, Widener U; F. 11.30-12, Pierce 306A.

Professor W. F. Dearborn, W. F. 10, Lawrence 5; Th. 9, Emerson 4.

Professor Maurice DeWulf.

*Professor R. B. Dixon, Anthropology, M. W. F. 9-10, Peabody Museum.

Professor William Duane, daily 1, Huntington Hospital.*

Dr. J. C. Duncan, M. W. 12, Astron. Lab.

Professor Leon Dupriez.

Professor E. M. East, daily 11-12, Bussey Inst., room 11.

Professor G. H. Edgell, Tu. Th. S. 11-12 and 1-1.15, Fogg Museum.

Professor Ephraim Emerton, Tu. Th. 12, Sever 7.

Professor Daniel Evans, Tu. Th., after 1, Andover Building.

Professor W. G. Farlow, daily 10-1, Univ. Mus. 29C.

Professor W. W. Fenn, daily 12, Divinity Library.

*Professor W. S. Ferguson, history, W. F. 10-11, Widener 576.

*Professor M. L. Fernald, Botany, M. W. F. 11-12, Gray Herbarium.

*Professor R. T. Fisher, Forestry, daily at Petersham.

*Professor R. F. Foerster, Social Ethics, M. W. F. 12. Tu Th. S. 11, Emerson K.

Mr. E. W. Forbes, Tu. Th. 10-12, Fogg Museum.

Professor G. S. Forbes, M. Tu. Th. 1; W. F. 12, Boylston 9

Professor James Ford, daily except Sat. 11-12.15, Emerson L.

*Professor J. D. M. Ford, French and other Romance Languages and Literature daily 1.30-2, 9 Riedesel avenue.

Mr. W. C. Ford, daily 9.30-12.30, 1154 Boylston street.*

Professor Kuno Francke, M. W. F. 9-10, 3 Berkeley place.

Mr. H. A. Frost, daily 2-5, Robinson.

Mr. L. A. Frothingham.

Dr. B. A. G. Fuller, M. W. 9-10; F. 9-11, 53 Apley Court.

Professor E. F. Gay, Dean of the Graduate School of Business, daily 11-12.30, University 17.

Mr. H. D. Gaylord, Tu. Th. 11-12.30, 20 Garden street.

Mr. R. H. George.

Mr. R. W. Gordon, at Warren House by appointment.

Mr. N. S. B. Gras.

Professor L. C. Graton, M. W. F. 11, Geol. Mus. 52.

Mr. G. M. Green, after lectures.

Mr. W. C. Greene, M. W. F. 9.30-10.30; Tu. Th. 10-11, Warren 32.

Professor C. N. Greenough, M. Tu. F. 9.30-11.30, Warren House 10.

*Professor C. B. Gulick, Ancient Languages, before and after lectures.

Mr. R. K. Hack, after lectures.

Professor E. H. Hall, after lectures.

Professor P. H. Hanus, daily except S. 11, Lawrence 6.

*Professor A. B. Hart, Government, daily 3-4, Widener 775.

Mr. J. G. Hart, Secretary of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, daily 9-1, University 20.

*Professor C. H. Haskins, History, Government, Economics, and Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, daily 12-1.30, University 28.

Professor U. Hattori.

Dr. R. L. Hawkins, M. W. F. 2.30, Sever 18.

Professor W. C. Heilman, W. 10.30-11.30; Th. 11.30-12.30; F. 11-12; S. 9.30-10.30, Music Building.

*Professor L. J. Henderson, Medical Sciences, after lectures.

Dr. A. H. Herrick, after lectures.

Mr. F. W. C. Hersey, M. F. 12-1, Warren House 21.

Mr. E. B. Hill, after lectures, Music Building.

Professor W. E. Hocking, W. F. 11-12, Emerson A; Tu. Th. 4-5, 16 Quincy street.

Professor R. F. A. Hoernie, M. W. F. 10, Emerson B.

Professor A. N. Holcombe, M. W. F. 11-12, Widener 215.

*Professor H. W. Holmes, Education, M. W. F. 11; Tu. Th. 3.30, Lawrence 5.

Professor E. B. Holt, M. W. F. 12-1, Emerson 24.

Mr. T. L. Hood.

Dr. E. A. Hooton.

Professor A. A. Howard, daily 11, Sever 16.

Professor W. G. Howard, W. F. 2.30-4.30; S. 10-12, Widener 271; Tu. Th., after lectures.

Professor H. V. Hubbard, M. W. F. 4-5, Robinson Hall.

*Professor H. J. Hughes, Engineering, daily except W. 12-1, Pierce 114.

Professor J. S. Humphreys, daily 2-5, Robinson Hall.

Professor E. V. Huntington, daily 11, Pierce 307.

Professor B. S. Hurlbut, Dean of College, M. Tu. F. 10-12.30, University 4.

Professor A. J. Inglis, M. Tu. W. Th., Lawrence 6.

Professor J. G. Jack.

Professor C. N. Jackson, Tu. Th. S. 1, Sever 29.

Dr. Dunham Jackson, after lectures.

Professor H. C. G. von Jagemann, W. F. 11-12, Emerson H; W. to S. 3-5; Th. S. 10-1, 113 Walker street.

Professor E. C. Jeffrey, W. Th. F. S. 9-12, Botanical Mus. 13C.

Professor J. R. Jewett, M. W. F. 12; Tu. Th. 2.30, Semitic Mus. 3.

Mr. G. E. Johnson.

Professor L. J. Johnson.

Professor R. M. Johnson, Tu. Th. 10-11; W. 9-12, Widener 275.

Dr. Grinnell Jones, Tu. Th. S. 11-12, Boylston 3.

Professor Max Killner, M. W. F. 10-11, Semitic Museum.

Professor F. L. Kennedy, W. Th. F. S. 9.30-12, Pierce 301.

Professor A. E. Kennelly, daily 9-10, Pierce 108.

Professor C. W. Killam, M. W. F. 10-12, Room B, Robinson Hall.

Dr. Edward Kircher.

*Professor G. W. Kittredge, Modern Languages, after lectures.

Professor E. P. Kohler, M. W. 3-4; Tu. Th. 10-11, Boylston 15.

Professor Kirsopp Lake, W. F. 1, Divinity Library.

Professor A. B. Lamb, daily 2.30-3.30, Boylston 10.

Mr. C. C. Lane, Director of the Harvard University Press, daily 10-12, University 2.

Dr. H. S. Langfeld, daily 9-10, Emerson 16.

Professor C. R. Lanman, Indic Philology, M. W. F. 3.30, Widener A.

Professor R. I. Lee, Medical Regent, daily except S. 1-3, Weld 4.

Dr. F. W. C. Lieder, after lectures.
