
Study Lists Due Today

Every student in the College must hand in, without fail, his list of studies written in ink on the card provided for the purpose, today between 9 and 6 o'clock, at the places named below. All undergraduates except any who entered College before 1910 must obtain the signatures of their advisers on their lists of studies: College Seniors, Harvard 1; College Juniors, Harvard 5; College Sophomores, Upper Massachusetts; College Freshmen, Lower Massachusetts; College Special Students, Sever 6; College Unclassified Students, Sever 6; Candidates for degrees out of course, Sever 6.

Students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are expected to file their, lists of studies at 24 University Hall at registration this afternoon at 6 o'clock.

Students in the Graduate Schools of Architecture and Landscape Architecture are expected to file their lists of studies at Robinson Hall, at registration or before this afternoon at 6 o'clock.

Students in the Graduate School of Business Administration are expected to file their lists of studies at 17 University Hall, at registration or before 6 P. M., on Monday, September 27.

Any student wishing to take a "starred course" must obtain the consent of the instructor in the course, given in writing on the card containing the student's list of studies; for admission to a course "primarily for graduates," an undergraduate or special student must obtain the written recommendation of the instructor. Instructors may be consulted for this purpose at the rooms and at the hours named in the Directory of Instructors.
