All candidates for the Freshman crew are to report at the Newell boathouse on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock sharp. Every one must be on time dressed ready to row at once. Mr. R. F. Herrick '90 and Captain D. P. Morgan '16 will address the men and briefly outline the work. It is very important that a large number report, even those who lack experience having just as good an opportunity to make good as others. Men should have for equipment the following articles: sweaters, shoes, hat, towels, rowing pants, long drawers, and socks. Lockers may be engaged at any time at the boat house. Men are urged to get them immediately to avert any confusion on Wednesday.
University and club crews will be called out on Monday. University men be at Newell at 4.30, and club crew candidates at Weld at 3.30 ready to row immediately. The fall rowing is to last about four weeks, depending on the weather. The work which it is intended to accomplish will be fully explained by Mr. R. F. Herrick '90 and Captain D. P. Morgan '16.
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Freshman Reception in Union at 8