

Change in Usual Musical Program Under Mr. Alloo's Direction.

The Pierian Sodality Orchestra will this year be under the direction of Modeste E. Alloo, a member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and former member of the Pierian. The orchestra expects to accomplish a great deal in musical achievement this year. Although popular programmers will be prepared, in case of demand, Mr. Alloo's endeavor will be to lift the orchestra out of its traditional rut of popular music, and to put more of the classic and serious modern music into the season's repertoire. By thus affording to students the opportunity for serious study of master works, it is believed that the orchestra will come nearer to fulfilling its proper place in the University.

The management already has several concerts booked in and about Cambridge; and besides the customary annual concert in April, the Pierian is planning a big concert to be given in the concert hall of the new Music Building some time in January, which will be free to officers and students of the University.

The first trails for positions in the Orchestra will be held in the Pierian Room in the New Music Building on September 30, Oct. 1, 2, and 12, at 8 o'clock in the evening.
