

Candidates Should Report to L. Salton stall '14 This Afternoon.

The season of the Freshman football team will start this afternoon at 3 o'clock, when all candidates will report to Head Coach L. Saltonstall '14 at the Locker Building on Soldiers Field. Plans for the season will at that time be outlined and work started at once. From advance reports, it is expected that a large squad will report.

The 1919 season, in addition to the big game with the Yale freshmen on Soldiers Field, November 13, will include contests with Worcester Academy, Dean Academy, and with Phillips Andover and Exeter.

Manager Candidates Report

At 2.30 o'clock, those Freshmen should report who intend to compete for the managership. The competition will extend through most of the season, and the winner and runner-up will be appointed manager and assistant manager respectively. No previous experience in managing teams is necessary.
