Over two hundred and fifty graduates assembled in San Francisco on August 19, 20 and 21 at the nineteenth annual meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs. Owing to the industrious efforts of the committee in charge, headed by W.Thomas'73, and to the hospitality of all Harvard men in San Francisco, the meeting was great success.
The meeting was informally opened with a reception and dinner at the University Club on Thursday, August 19. Most of Friday was taken up with a business meeting but this was finished in time for the members to get to the Norwegian Building at the Exposition for supper. On this occasion a bronze plaque was presented to the clubs on behalf of the exposition officials in commemoration of the even. After supper the party marched to the water front and watched the special "Harvard" fireworks. From there they snake-danced to the Zone and made use of the complimentary tickets to the various concessions.
Saturday morning the party, augmented by about fifty members who arrived from the delayed Finland went by special ferry and train to the Muir Woods, a grove of huge trees under which was served a genuine barbecue. Following the feast, games were played and the members returned to San Francisco accompanied by a 60-piece band. An elaborate banquet at the Palace Hotel Saturday evening closed the festivities. At this banquet a special table was reserved for undergraduates of whom there were a dozen present.
Thomas W. Lamont'92, of New York, N. Y., was elected president of the Associated Harvard Clubs to succeed G.T.Perkins'87. E. M. Grossman '95, of St. Louis, Mo., was elected secretary, and E. C. Kimball '96, of Dubuque. Iowa, treasurer. The following vice-presidents were elected in the various divisions: New England, E. A. Harriman '88, of New Haven, Conn.; Eastern, H. L. Clark '87, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Southern, David Sentress, L.L.B. '99, of Memphis, Tenn.; South-western, H. A. Leekley'96, of Muskogee, Okla.; Central, P. W. Herrick '04, of Cleveland, Ohio; Western, A. C. Smith '87, of Omaha, Neb.; Pacific, William Thomas '73, of San Francisco, Cal.; and Foreign, J. H. Hyde '98, of Paris, France.
The next meeting of the Associated Clubs will take place in Pittsburgh, Pa., in the summer of 1916.
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