

Candidates for Various Departments Will be Called Out Early in October.

Plans for the fall production of the Dramatic Club are already well under way and everything points to a most successful season. The dates for the two Cambridge performances, which will be held as usual in Brattle Hall, have been set for December 14 and 16. The theatre for the Boston performance, which will be given on December 15, has not yet been decided upon.

Shortly after College commences there will be an open meeting of the Dramatic Club at which all members of the University interested in theatrical work should report to sign up of trials. Members of the Freshman class are especially urged to be present. Rehearsals will begin as soon as the play selected by the graduate advisory committee has been announced.

At the same time the competition for the stage, business and publicity managements of the club will begin. The stage management, which includes the stage, property and electrical departments, will be in charge of E.A. Whitney '17. The business end of the club, including the ticket and advertising departments, will be in the hands of W.S. Mack '17, while W.H. Meeker '17 will have charge of the publicity department.

As soon as the announcement of the play selected has been made the competition for the poster design will be started. The winner of the competition will be elected as associate member of the club.

The play writing competition, which will start early in October, will continue until the middle of November. All manuscripts must be handed in to P.F. Reneirs '16, The competition is open to members of the University, graduates, and members of Radcliffe College.


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