
Strong Articles Feature Magazine

The Graduates' Magazine makes its quarterly arrival with an assortment of strong articles in addition to a compendious record of recent interests and activities in and concerning the University. The Phi Beta Kappa address by Mr. Rhodes, which commanded such close and pleased attention in Sanders Theatre last June, is preserved in its pages. Mr. Rhodes finds in the steadfastness, humility, and humanity of Lincoln during the dark days of our Civil War an example which may be of value to present European statesmen. The picture which he gives of Lincoln is intimate, kindly yet critical, and suffused with a genial humor. The address should receive a place in the row of classics numbered among previous Phi Beta Kappa orations.

More directly related to the war is Mr. Noyes's Phi Beta Kappa poem. He closes a poem symphonic in rythm and melody with a timely call to this nation to continue in the pacific course which has made it great.

The war is in further evidence in the number. Professor Merriman writes a vivid account of "A Day at the French Front," and Mr. Cutler gives some illuminating matter relating to the ambulance work undertaken by the University medical units. There is ample proof contained in "War Notes" that Harvard men have worked and fought, and some have died, upon European battlefields; and that honorable and unselfish service has been rendered.

Library Eully Treated.

The Library, naturally in the lime light at this time, receives most instructive discussion at the hands of Professor Coolidge. One finishes a perusal of his article with a better understanding of the peculiar nature of a great scholar's library and some insight into the problems of administration with which the management has to struggle. While Professor Coolidge does not make much of the point, it is nevertheless evident that the Library has suffered from the war, and is in need of gifts to maintain it and enable growth. Mr. Lodge, in "The Meaning of a Great Library," gives an eloquent appreciation of the value of a great collection of books such as that for which the University is famous.


Timely also and much needed is the message contained in Mr. Lodge's "Modest Plea in Defense of the Humanities." While it is neither possible nor desirable to turn education back into the channels in which it flowed at the time of the Renaissance enthusiasm for the ancient world, it is undoubtedly true that the pendulum has swung too far towards the so-called "practical" subjects. Living implies more than efficiency and abundance of material goods; it includes the prime necessity of escaping boredom. Mr. Lodge's plea needs hearing at Harvard, where the number of men concentrating in the classics has ranged in recent years between twelve and twenty-two.

Questions of Day Analyzed.

Professor Munro's analysis of current questions goes much deeper than does the usual undergraduate discussion. In his defense of the existing examination system, however, he rather explains than justifies the failure of the College to grow in numbers, particularly in its Western representation. There are reasons for this failure to grow, to be sure; but should not more effective means be taken to combat these causes? More especially in the West, where a different system of admission prevails, do not the entrance examinations form a bugaboo which deters many good men from attempting them?

The Magazine contains, as usual, a prolixity of excellent things. Besides an array of substantial articles, there is a complete record of student affairs and athletics during the past months, togeth-with other information of all sorts which interests Harvard men. The undergraduate should not be frightened away by the name; for the Graduates' Magazine contains a most complete and convenient account of his own multifarious doings. And it enters upon its twenty-fourth year with strong promise of continuing unbroken the series of splendid volumes which have hitherto made it indispensable in Harvard circles and have extended its influence to regions beyond.
