
Fact and Comment

The Chicago "Tribune" has written editorially as follows of the attitude of University graduates and undergraduates toward the Plattsburg military camp:

"All of the larger colleges and universities have fairly well established reputations. Mention of Yale, Cornell, and Dartmouth brings up defined notions of what these institutions stand for and the quality of their human product. Harvard for a number of years, has been thought of definitely as a university not exactly bloodless, but at least less boisterous than some of its neighbors. It has been regarded as cloistral, its vigor somewhat stifled by--er--snobbishness.

This notion is now proved erroneous. Snobbishness did for, years prevent the highest efficiency in athletics. Harvard had students of the highest order in all of the branches, but team work was defective. It was an orchestra of virtuosi, none quite willing to sacrifice personality to discipline. When it did yield to discipline it smeared--shall we say Yale?

Harvard has justified this individualism. At the military training camp at Plattsburg, N. Y., about one-third of the thirteen hundred rookies are Harvard men. These men have not hesitated to subject themselves to a discipline more rigorous than training for the crew. They have responded more fully than any other group of citizens to intelligent appeal."
