After two and three weeks of preliminary training the big college elevens are primed for their first test games tomorrow. Yale and Princeton will both meet their first 1915 opponents, the former encountering Maine University and the latter playing Georgetown. Carlisle, which after an absence of several years is again included in the University schedule, has already played its opening game, defeating Albright 21 to 7. Cornell, also a stranger among the University's opponents, will meet Gettysburg tomorrow. Mass. Aggles, Penn. State, and Brown also will open their seasons Saturday.
The Yale squad has had perhaps the most thorough pre-season work of all of the larger teams. Starting on September 6, a week before the University candidates were called aut, the exceptionally large squad has been drilled steadily and hard for three weeks. The line suffers heavily by the loss of ex-Captain Talbot at tackle and Stillman and Carter at end. With the championship 1918 team to draw from, however, these positions should not be hard to fill. Captain Wilson, shifted from quarter to halfback on account of increased weight, will be the mainstay behind the line. Guernsey and Scovill have been acting as his running mates, while Legore has been playing excellently on the second team. Guernsey is showing excellent form in punting and drop-kicking. If a competent man can be secured to fill Wilson's shoes at quarter, this backfield should prove extremely formidable. At present Lowrie seems to be first choice for the former position.
Princeton has had to meet many difficulties on account of ineligibility and illness and will probably be unable to place its strongest line-up against Georgetown. Coach Rush has been working his men hard, however, and should have little difficulty in defeating the southern team.
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