The athletes who will represent the East at the Panama-Pacific games on August 6 and 7 will be selected at tryouts in the Stadium on June 26. The price of seats is $1.00 each and applications sent to George B. Billings of the Boston Athletic Association will be filled in the order received. The proceeds will be devoted to sending the men selected West.
Every star west of Chicago has been invited to compete, and accordingly unusual performances are expected. The events will be as follows: 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 440-yard run, 880-yard run, mile run, 5-mile run, 120-yard hurdle race, 220-yard hurdle race, 440-yard hurdle race, 3-mile walk, pole-vault, high jump, broad jump, running hop-step and jump, throwing 56-pound weight, 16-pound hammer-throw, 16-pound shot-put, throwing the discus and the javelin.
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