

Annual Field Day Games Will be Held Next Saturday Afternoon.

The Stadium will be the scene of still another type of spectacle next Saturday afternoon, when all the local troupes of the Boy Scouts of America will hold their annual Rally and Field Day there at 2 o'clock. Scout-Commissioner O. E. Loomis '11 is in charge of the affair which promises to be of unusual interest because of its novelty and the chance for the public to witness the work which is being done by the scouts.

The meeting will open with a parade and review of all the boys. There are 10 districts in the Greater Boston Council, with a total membership of 2,137, so that the operations will be on a large scale. The remainder of the afternoon will be devoted to contests between the ten districts in the events which compose the usual routine of scout work. There will be signaling, both by arms and by heliograph or mirrors, first-aid work. Knot-tieing, portable wireless work, and setting up temporary encampments. The best men from each district have been selected for the competitions.

All tickets will be complimentary, and may be obtained from members of the scouts or at the scout head-quarters, 85 Bromfield street, Boston
