
Morning Prayers

The Reverend Charles Whitney Gilkey '03, A.M., of the Baptist Church, Chicago, will conduct morning prayers in Appleton Chapel this morning and every weekday morning until June 12 at 8.45 o'clock. No seats are reserved.

The preacher conducting morning prayers will be at Wadsworth House 1 between 9 and 11 o'clock every morning during his term of service.

Dr. Davison Continues Recitals.

During the period of final examinations, Dr. A. T. Davison '06, organist and choirmaster, will give short organ recitals in Appleton Chapel daily, except Sunday, from 9 to 9.10 o'clock at the close of morning prayers. The program for today will be: Bach,  Sinfonietta Dubois,  Alleluia
