
Debaters Have Elected Officers

At a recent meeting of the University Debating Council, the following officers for 1915-16 were chosen: President, Charles Adelbert Trafford, Jr., '16, of Worcester; vice-president Henry Epstein '16, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; secretary, Alan Grant Paine '17, of Spokane, Wash.

The following new members were elected to the Council: F. M. Atwood '18, P. Benton '18, L. Brentano '18, R. W. Chubb '15, E. C. Davidson '17, D. Davis '18, W. Goettling '16, C. Laporte '16, W. S. Murphy '18, N. Muskins uC., W. L. Prosser '18, E. R. Roberts '16, W. M. Silverman '18, A. M. Sounabend '18, H. S. Walker '18, E. Weissbuck '18.
